Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sectors and Services

Who does what?

The industry sector is an area of economy with related products and services and is broken down into sub categories:

The primary sector - extraction and harvesting of natural resources
The secondary sector - processing, manufacturing and construction
The tertiary sector - knowledge, education, finance, services

These are then broken down further to show who owns what,

1st sector - public, supported by tax payers e.g NHS, it is government run
2nd sector - private, privately owned and usually run for profit
3rd sector - voluntary, charities, community owned businesses, non profit e.g RSPCA, NSPCC

TSO's - these are third sector organisations, voluntary, professional or self-help groups. They are independent from the government and are value driven.

Any creative careers are within the service industries. Creative England is a company that was recently set up in Yorkshire to support the creative arts. They get given a budget by the government and then distribute it out to worthy projects that are up and coming. The Creative Coalition Campaign protect jobs and make sure that the right people are doing the right jobs and are getting paid appropriately for it. Even though the government isn't big on the creative arts right now and are putting more of the funding into the sciences there are still some organisations that keep an eye and uphold the standards.

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