Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nicole Gustafsson

I came across this illustrator on Tumblr and was instantly drawn to her style and use of colour, as I began to research into Nicole Gustafsson's work more I began to realise that she had created a lot of pieces around trees and houses within them.

They stye and colours really compliment one another and makes it seem almost fairytale-like or something that is from a children's book. The way in which the trees have been made into homes is in a subtle way as the decor matches the tones and shape of the tree, she has tried to merge something man-made with something natural.

I haven't really thought much about textures at the minute, but seeing this has given me some ideas and possibilities to what I could maybe incorporate. To emphasize that these are trees, the added texture signifies this, the curved lines moving in form with the actual branches works really well. I could incorporate some pattern or a combination of colours on my mushrooms, not necessarily to emphasize that they are mushrooms as the shape pretty much gives that away anyway, but more of the fact that it is alien, that this world is not Earth. Not only can pattern change the texture, but also the type of brush I may use on Photoshop could affect this. Different brushes will give off different textures and this therefore can give off a different meaning. To have something that is more approachable soft, smooth lines would be better, sharp, blunt and bold could suggest you being wary of it. Then again however, clean cut lines could suggest a natural substance, in this case wood as in the image above.

A lot of experimenting will be needed before I come to a final decision and I think that the texturing stage will be the most time consuming of all. If I can manage to build my models in the next week or two I should have enough time to texture everything to the standard I want it to be.

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