Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Environment Plans

Originally my plan was to have several different mushrooms forming a forest setting, with bridges connecting one to another, however I started just mocking this up really quickly in Maya and when I imported it into Unity I found that there was something that just didn't seem right. It seemed like there needed to be more of a uniformed layout for it to look correct and when I mocked up some stairs and a bridge it just didn't flow. I know with textures it may change the look and feel to it but I thought I better try another option to be on the safe side.

I had briefly touched upon the idea of having a cluster of mushrooms, possibly taking on the form of a bonsai tree in the way that it spreads out with many different branches. Straight away I found that this had a much better form and was more aesthetically pleasing. To gain access to the mushroom there would be ramps connecting the branches where you could walk upon. I know I wanted to steer away from the basic mushroom shape, however for this type of formation it's not really possible for the others I was thinking of as their stalks were too thick. I can enlarge it quite a bit so it would take up probably about 3/4 of my playing area which would in turn make it feel more alien as it towers over head and you could get a real sense of scale by being in-between the stems of the mushrooms.

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