Monday, March 5, 2012

Lianna Tai

As I am beginning to develop some concept artwork for my environment, I am going to look at a range of artists to gain some inspiration for style and colour. One artist I have come across is Lianna Tai, the two images to the right are the pieces that really stood out to me. As I plan to create a mushroom tree planet I think moving away from realism will benefit this, it will also correspond correctly with my target audience - family. If I move away from realism then the colours of the mushrooms can be any colour I wish, as long as the main colour palette I choose is harmonious altogether. 

The colour palette Lianna Tai has used consist of blues and greens, all of which are tones of one another so you know that they will work well together. She has also added other colours into it to highlight certain areas and to give the piece something more that will attract the eye. I plan to have my scene set in the evening so I will need a light source of some sort to help highlight the whole area. The mushrooms themselves will glow so this will fix that issue. The bottom image is more relevant towards my idea as it incorporates luminescent blues to achieve that glowing feeling. 

By having luminescent colours it also makes the piece feel more like an alien object as the colours themselves aren't really natural. The paintings aren't realistic however they incorporate nature themes within them, you can see that they are meant to be within a forest on another planet. By changing the way that you draw you can communicate different ideas. 

I need to make sure that with my scene it not only looks like an alien planet, but is also a believable scene. The player needs to be immersed within it and this will be down to the design, colours and sound.

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