Wednesday, October 17, 2012

SWOT Analysis

We were given a SWOT Analysis sheet to fill out to identify our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. By realising each of these I am then able to see clearly what I am good at and what I need to improve on; I can also start to create a solution for any problems that I may have. Weaknesses can be converted or minimized to strengths, strengths and opportunities match each other and threats can be converted to opportunities by working and improving on them.

SWOT gives you a clear indication of what you are actually good at which in itself boots your confidence more so you're not always concentrating on the things that could be improved upon. I realise that there are a few things I need to work on such as be more outgoing and talk to more people within the industry and get feedback on my own work. I do worry a lot about deadlines and the workload but I think this is due to the fact that I always plan out what I'm going to do and the overall look of a project worries me yet I still manage to get it all done in time.

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