Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Diggs Nightcrawler

One of my favourite animations from last year was 'The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore' from Moonbot Studios and I have been keeping an eye on their future works to see what else they are producing. Since their animation short which they won an Oscar for, they have since produced an interactive app for Apple and now they are working on a new augmented reality experience for Playstation 3, Wonderbook. Wonderbook places a physical book in the players hands and brings stories to life around you using Playstation Eye.

It's nice to see an animation studio trying something new by making a game, it shows that they can do more and that their skills are transferable. “We wanted the story to become something more and show you a bridge between books and digital media...” said Brandon Oldenburg (studio co-founder). Moonbot Studios like combining different mediums as with The Fantastic Flying Books, they combined 2D and 3D animation along with stop motion. With Diggs Nightcrawler it's a game however there is about 60-80 minutes of animation so in a way it's its own feature length film. I really admire them trying to push the boundaries and bringing mediums together in harmony with one another. It's something that is quite different yet the end result is something very beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Haha love it! The voice over can help with our script too!!
