Monday, November 5, 2012

Alien Animation

As I mentioned in a previous post, the next stage to my alien would be to animate it doing a walk, jump and an idle which would then be taken into Unity 3d for a turntable. I have created a playblast of the animations in each state of the alien; skeleton, skeleton and controls, geometry and textured. This gives a better overview of the alien and the construction that took place to create the final version.

I still find walk cycles a bit awkward to do and it is something I really want to get better at so when it comes to animating the characters for our cinematic; I will be wanting to create some reference videos to work from and analyse. I find it easier to do other actions and a bit of facial animation so hopefully this will stand out in our cinematic, but as most of it is walking I need to make sure that there are no issues with it and that I am able to execute it to a high standard.

Alien Animation from Siobhan Parkhouse on Vimeo.

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